peronal evangelism
During these 50 days, you can join or create a new initiative:
What if every person, in every city, in every nation knew the truth about Jesus. The reality is billions never heard the gospel. The majority of Christians are not sharing their faith. You can change that and be a part of one billion people worldwide hearing the gospel between Easter and Pentecost. We need every believer to be a witness.
Easter to Pentecost 2025 is a movement that aims to mobilize 120 million Christians to share their faith within their communities during these 50 days.

Imagine one global church: Christians around the world united in sharing one message: Jesus.

With one goal: reaching 193 nations
In one unified effort: from Easter to Pentecost "GO and make Disciples“ - Matthew 28,19-20
The most powerful form of evangelism is sharing the Gospel with those God has already placed in our lives.
Between Easter and Pentecost, let’s come together to:
• Pray • Care • Share
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