What if EVery Believer
became a Witness?
Believers Joining
GO Teams
The whole body of Christ activating every believer to be a witness between Easter and Pentecost
from APRIL 20th until JUNE 8th
pray &
If every believer joins, the whole world can be reached during these 50 days from Easter to Pentecost in 2025.
Acts 1:8
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses”
“We Need to awaken the Sleeping Giant” - Billy Graham
play your part
During these 50 days, you can join or create a new initiative:
pray and evangelize where you are.
join or create an initiative:
+ than 3.000.000 participants throughout the world.
e2P Resources
Step by step, how you can play your part.
resources for small groups
resources for you
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What We Achieved
together in 2024.
numbers from last year (2024)
Personal Evangelism
Responses to the Gospel
Evangelism Events
Crusade Responses to Gospel
Responses at Schools and Events in Costa Rica
Digital Evangelism
People Motivated to share through YouVersion App
Social Media Campaign by Fueled by Hope
who is part of it
Who is playing a part in the Easter to Pentecost vision. Are you also?
rick warren
Finishing The Task
"Finishing the Task is a catalyzing force towards the collaborative goal of fulfilling the Great Commission by 2033, the 2000th anniversary of the Church. To reach the entire globe, we need to mobilize the entire Church - believers from every corner of the globe and every walk of life. If every believer shared the Good News with just 3 people who had never heard, we could reach the whole world!"
Jurie Kriel
NXT Move
NXT Move is thrilled to partner with Easter2Pentecost to inspire the next generation to share their faith. This aligns with our vision to empower young believers to embrace their faith and join God's mission, mobilizing them to transform the world for Christ.
Lee Hsia
Chief Training Officer @ Evanelism Explosion
Evangelism Explosion is proud to join Easter2Pentecost, a movement empowering Christians to accelerate the Great Commission. We aim to equip every believer as an effective witness and support pastors globally in fostering multiplying witnesses for Jesus.
Samuel Chiang
Deputy Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance
"This is one of the periods in everyone’s church calendar. Therefore, we can mobilize for the sake of the gospel. Think of it death, burial, resurrection of Jesus and the ascension of Jesus on Pentecost.“
Christian peters
Hope for One
As Hope for One, we’re excited to join Go Teams! Our mission to equip local volunteers to reach children is now amplified. Partnering with like-minded ministries allows us to work toward building God's kingdom. We’re grateful to be part of this movement and eager for the impact we can make together!
Easter to Pentecost is a  Coalition of Churches, Ministries and Denominations throughout the world.
Frequently asked questions about Easter to Pentecost:
  • A group of Christians that meet between Easter2Pentecost to share the gospel.

  • Your church, ministry or congregation already has teams that do evangelistic activities? Great. Encourage them to become active between Easter2Pentecost.

  • Reach people in your area or places in need in your city: e.g. in publicsquares, metro stations, parks, prisons, schools, elderly homes or other places.

  • Do it on GO Day or choose your own day between Easter and Pentecost.

  • 1. Register or join a GO Team: Any group of Christians can be a GO Team.
    2. Receive resources: Global ministries collaborate to put together a selection of helpful resources for you and your team.
    3. Reach people: Organize at least one outreach between Easter and Pentecost. We emphasize Pentecost Saturday especially, as many ministries unite for a global day of evangelism..

  • Reach people in your area or places in need in your city: e.g. in publicsquares, metro stations, parks, prisons, schools, elderly homes or other places.

My successor:

the whole church
When asked about his successor, Billy Graham emphasized that the focus should be on each christian being a witness, not on one great evangelist.
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